God the Father

God the Father of Mankind

Mother Eugenia 
In 1932 an Italian nun called Mother Eugenia Ravasio had visions of God the Father: Mother Eugenia Elisabetta Ravaiso 1907 - 1990. This is the first time in the history of the Catholic Church, that private revelation from God The Father of all Mankind has been recognised as valid by the Church, and these messages given by the Father to Mother Eugina are found to be without error and recognised as authentic.

God the Father says:

"Love pays for everything: It is only through acts of kindness, compassion, mercy and love that our sins can be forgiven."

Mother Eugenia's most important legacy to us is the message of the Father, the only private revelation made personally by God the Father and recognised as authentic by the Church.

The Bishop of Grenoble, Alexandre Caillot set up a board of experts in 1935 to conduct a diocesan enquiry which lasted ten years. At the end of the enquiry he wrote; The object of the mission which would appear to have been entrusted to Mother Eugenia, is precise and from the doctrinal point of view, I see it as legitimate and timely. Its precise object is to make God the Father known honoured and loved by all his children, mainly by the institution of a special feast day which has been requested by the Church. The real object of this special feast is to honour the Father, to thank him, to praise him for having given his son; to thank him who loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten son so that all men might be brought together in the Mystical Body of Christ and together with his Son, become his children.

The Father told Mother Eugina:

"I am Just it is true, But I want all mankind to know that Love pays for everything" -

In other words great iniquities, great sins, can be expiated, with acts of love, mercy, forgiveness, and compassion - I will forgive you after you have repented, even if your sins were repulsive as mud! Your confidence, your love, will make me forget them.

These messages from God the Father to Mother Eugina Raviso make it clear that the Father wants to be better known and loved by all his children. He wants people of every faith, or no faith, to realise that He is the Father of all mankind. That he loves and cares for everyone. Realise then O men, that for all eternity I have had but one desire, to make myself known to all men and to be loved by them; but what I do require is the faithful observance of the 10 commandments that I gave the Church, so that you will all be rational creatures and not be like wild animals, and that you will preserve the treasure which is the Soul I gave you clothed in the fullness of its Divine beauty.

What the Father wants of us his children:

1) The Father desires His Image in every home.

(You can download this image on this web site) I desire He said: That every family prominently display this image in their homes. I wish every family to place itself under My special protection. There every day the family will share with me its needs, its works, its sorrows, its sufferings, its desires, its joys. I will let a ray of peace fall upon all families that honour me and trust me. This family will be relieved in all its troubles, all its worries, all its sufferings. If families love and honour me I will give them my peace together with my providence. What a wonderful promise from God our loving Father. I cannot begin to tell you all the light, peace and understanding I have received from praying before this icon. This icon makes our Father alive and present with us. I am sure that this icon is a window of the Divine. This icon helps us all to meet Almighty God, Abba our Father. This icon must be contemplated in silent prayer, God is a friend of silence, He is waiting for us all, to speak to us, and to listen to us in the silence of our hearts. Place before our loving Father all your desires and all your needs.

2) The Fathers request is a new prayer to the Father.

Called "Through Him, with Him and in Him" God is my Father. (this prayer can also be downloaded on this site) This new prayer to the Father, is not to replace "The our Father" Given to us by his son Jesus. But is an additional prayer to the Father.

3) The Father also desires a Feast day.

He said: I desire a Sunday to be dedicated to Honouring Me in a special way. Under the title of Father of all Mankind. I choose He said the 1st Sunday of August. This Feast Day is currently being requested of Rome by the Father of all Mankind Apostolate and others. The Holy Octave of Consecration to God Our Father starts on the last Sunday in July. The main purpose of these 8 days of prayer, saying the chaplet, is to focus our minds on the Father so we will be able to consecrate ourselves to Him. This preparation and consecration is very important, God the Father wants us all to re-dedicate ourselves to HIM. We love you Father and we give ourselves to You.

I desire He said: That every family prominently display this image in their homes. I wish every family to place itself under My special protection. There every day the family will share with me its needs, its works, its sorrows, its sufferings, its desires, its joys. I will let a ray of peace fall upon all families that honour me and trust me. This family will be relieved in all its troubles, all its worries, all its sufferings. If families love and honour me I will give them my peace together with my providence. What a wonderful promise from God our loving Father. I cannot begin to tell you all the light, peace and understanding I have received from praying before this icon. This icon makes our Father alive and present with us. I am sure that this icon is a window of the Divine. This icon helps us all to meet Almighty God, Abba our Father. This icon must be contemplated in silent prayer, God is a friend of silence, He is waiting for us all, to speak to us, and to listen to us in the silence of our hearts. Place before our loving Father all your desires and all your needs.

Called "Through Him, with Him and in Him" God is my Father. (this prayer can also be downloaded on this site) This new prayer to the Father, is not to replace "The our Father" Given to us by his son Jesus. But is an additional prayer to the Father.

He said: I desire a Sunday to be dedicated to Honouring Me in a special way. Under the title of Father of all Mankind. I choose He said the 1st Sunday of August. This Feast Day is currently being requested of Rome by the Father of all Mankind Apostolate and others. The Holy Octave of Consecration to God Our Father starts on the last Sunday in July. The main purpose of these 8 days of prayer, saying the chaplet, is to focus our minds on the Father so we will be able to consecrate ourselves to Him. This preparation and consecration is very important, God the Father wants us all to re-dedicate ourselves to HIM. We love you Father and we give ourselves to You.

Mother Eugenia

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Mother Eugenia's most important legacy to us is the message of the Father, the only private revelation made personally by God the Father and recognised as authentic by the Church.

The Bishop of Grenoble, Alexandre Caillot set up a board of experts in 1935 to conduct a diocesan enquiry which lasted ten years. At the end of the enquiry he wrote; The object of the mission which would appear to have been entrusted to Mother Eugenia, is precise and from the doctrinal point of view, I see it as legitimate and timely. Its precise object is to make God the Father known honoured and loved by all his children, mainly by the institution of a special feast day which has been requested by the Church. The real object of this special feast is to honour the Father, to thank him, to praise him for having given his son; to thank him who loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten son so that all men might be brought together in the Mystical Body of Christ and together with his Son, become his children.

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